Do you like to play parlor games? I play them in my head all the time, which now that I admit this, gives the impression that I am easily amused, wildly creative, or extremely lonely. You choose!
I got the idea for this from Eden Kennedy at Fussy, who did a things I do not like post this week for nablopomo. I imposed a few rules on myself, because boundaries are a good thing. Because it is so often easier to be negative, for every item I dislike, I had to come up with something I do like.
To my surprise, I had to come up with negative things to balance the positive, not the other way around, as I would have expected. Look how far I've come!
Things I like
waking to the sound of falling rain
cream in my coffee
the arctic monkeys
salty sweet
hot hot baths
being upside down
dinner parties
Things I dislike
almond extract
brad pitt
nuts in baked goods
sea urchin
sponges that have not been sufficiently rung out
white pepper
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